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Four steps for bridging difference:



Learn – Understanding how Jews, Christians and Muslims practice and experience their religion is a core element of my research.  Awareness and knowledge grows through learning about different religions and beliefs directly from committed followers.  



Reflect – Hearing about different religious paths and experiences awakens reflection about one’s own practice.  My focus on lay-people allows for connection with fellow practitioners.  One sees the known in a ways through curiosity and reflection.  



Talk – Meeting the other in dialogue invites us to hold our differences and similarities.  As a result, we become more resilient and thoughtful practitioners.  Commitment to one’s own path and learning with others can coexist.



Respect – Honoring a person’s humanity is critical for both interreligious understanding and civil society as a whole.  Seeing the wholeness of someone different shows respect for oneself and the other.



Through these steps, the ‘other’ becomes known, the multitudes become a group of unique individuals, strangeness is replaced by familiarity and understanding.  We are enriched.


Rock Balancing
White Sands

Can we hold our own beliefs if they are in contrast with other beliefs, especially if parts of our beliefs are exclusionary?

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