From early in my research, it became clear that while I had begun the interviews as a personal search for answers and other perspectives, sharing my findings and analysis with the world was critical. Not only did I expect it to find an audience, but I expected that the points of connections and revelations would prove as helpful to others as they were to me. So began my ongoing analysis and output of interpretations.
All material is for personal use only and author attribution must be used.
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Master's Thesis -
Religious Identity & Interreligious Leadership: The Boston Landscape
This study explores the experiences of religious and cultural leaders involved in interreligious efforts in Greater Boston today. Through a set of in-person interviews, supported by my reading of academic and popular works on religious development, interreligious engagement and leadership theory, I analyze the role of religious conviction and practice in the “border-crossing” work of these leaders. I also examine their motivations, aspirations, and measures of success. Why do these people choose to engage in interreligious efforts? How do their theological and ethical convictions support or complicate these efforts? When do these leaders feel they have been successful? How does their work across religious lines impact their work within their particular communities? Interviewees are spread evenly across Judaism, Christianity and Islam, working in different types of organizations, including academia, religious and non-religious not-for-profit organizations, and houses of worship.
Talking with God Project Description
originally published in German –
'Sprechen mit Gott: Projekt Beschreibung',
Inta Interreligiöses Forum
(No. 6, June 2015)
Better to Stay Quiet?
originally published in German –
Inta Interreligiöses Forum
(No. 11/12, November 2016)